

I am peaceful. I use peaceful language and find peaceful solutions to any problem that arises. I find my inner peace and let it carry me gently through the day.


I am friendly. I smile and greet people. I show an interest in others. I like myself and know that my friendship is worth a lot.



I am responsible. I give my best to all that I do and keep my agreements. I learn from my mistakes. I am willing to make amends. 


I have perseverance. I keep a steady pace in what I choose to do. I keep on keeping on. I finish what I start. I am a loyal and committed friend.


I have integrity. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I stand up for what I feel is right. I am my own leader.  


I have compassion. I notice when someone is hurt or needs my help. I take the time to show that I care.  


I am in unity with others. I appreciate differences. I do not support prejudice. I am a peacemaker. I care for the earth and all living things.


I am gentle. I think, speak and act with gentleness. I show care for people and for everything I touch. 


I am generous. I look for opportunities to give and to share. There is plenty of time for thoughtfulness. I give freely, fully and joyfully.


I am diligent. I work hard. I work carefully. I give my best to whatever I do. 
